Our silly season of kid's parties

We had a great time celebrating parties for our three children this year. 

Held in June and August respectively, this year we chose a swimming centre as the venue for our eldest son’s party, an animal barn for our daughter’s and the zoo for our youngest son’s. 

As usual we brought out the organic ingredients for the cakes, organic fruit and vegies and chips and dips for the finger food. 

Not surprisingly our eco party store gave us everything else we needed. 

Why, How and What - Taking a leaf out of Apple's tree

We came across a great TED talk some time ago. 

If you haven’t heard of TED it’s a top website full of opinions and ideas with the motto “Ideas Worth Spreading”.

It’s had more than 5 million views and the presenter Simon Sinek presents an 18 minute talk on “How great leaders inspire action”. 

It is also a very interesting insight and analytic dissection of how Apple has become so successful worldwide.

It work’s on Sinek’s “Golden Circle” concept which he dubs “probably the world’s simplest idea”.

This idea is knowing WHY, HOW and WHAT an organization does.