Top 10 ideas of what to do with your empty party box when the party is over

Rather than recycling your box by placing it in the bin on rubbish collection day, you can use your party box in the home.

Here's a Top 10 list of creative and practical ideas to make the most of your eco party box.

1) Use it as a bin - when clean up time comes you can store all the plates, cutlery, decorations and food scraps in the box and take it home to bury for your garden.
2) Create your own treasure chest - fill it with things that are special to you. Make it look beautiful by gluing onto it buttons and beads, old photos, magazine pictures and newspaper articles, shells and stones, feathers, flowers, gum nuts and leaves, place beautiful material at its base like organic cotton or organic felt.
3) Make a puppetshow theatre - cut out the bottom of the box and stand it on its edge to make a "stage." Make sock puppets by stuffing unused socks with toilet paper and drawing faces on with colorful markers. Present a puppet show to all the living room audience members.
4) Build models of houses or whole towns - If you have other boxes draw doors and windows on them and use your party box to be part of a playroom city.
5) Make a cardboard race car - turn the cardboard box into a speedy racer! Use other cardboard or just paper for wheels. can help.
6) Baby mobile - Cut out the cardboard into animal shapes and paint appropriately, use sticks and string to hang it from the roof above your baby's cot.
7) Wall animals - Cut out designs from the cardboard and have the children paint them to make pretty wall designs for their room.
8) Desktop/office organiser - use the box to store paper or use it as an in tray.
9) Packaging for a present - draw some pretty pictures on the outside of it and place your next party present inside of it to reduce wrapping paper waste.
10) Worm food - use it as compost in your garden. The cardboard for our boxes is biodegradable and compostable and it can be used in your compost bin.

See our other blog posts:
Eco Party Ideas
Eco Friendly Ideas For a Winter Party
Eco Friendly Easter Ideas

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